Cassy Calendar: Jan-Mar

This is the time when you’ll spot adult male cassowaries with their big, curious young by their sides, while the females tend to be more independent and on their own. Cassowaries are on the move, taking advantage of the season’s abundance of fruit in the forest. They’re not picky eaters—besides fruit, they might munch on […]

Cassy Calendar: Apr-Jun

April and May can be tough months for cassowaries. Around May or June, the adults start to court each other, and this means young cassowaries are sent off to find their own territories. This period is challenging for them as they learn to survive and compete with established, often unfriendly adult birds. Many of the […]

Cassy Calendar: Jul-Sep

These months bring more reliable fruiting, especially in lowland areas, making it a great time for the cassowaries to feast. It’s also hatching season! Eggs, which are incubated for about 48-54 days, begin to hatch. The male cassowaries are fiercely protective of their chicks during this time, so it’s best to keep a respectful distance […]