Native Plant Explorer
We believe people should live with wildlife, and part of living with wildlife is having native plants in your garden. If you’ve got native plants in your garden then that’s the food for the things that should live here.
Use our native plant search tool below to discover those species native to Mission Beach region.
Adenanthera pavonina
(Red Bead Tree, False Red Sandalwood)Tags: arboretumHeight: Tree to 30M, may be buttressed Leaves & Flowers: 4mm cream or yellow flowers,…
Adenia heterophylla
(Lacewing Vine)Height: Vine, tendril climber to 30M Leaves & Flowers: Cream or pale yellow flowers, 10-30mm…
Agathis robusta
(Queensland Kauri Pine)Height: Tree to 50M, up to 3M diameter Leaves & Flowers: Male cones 40-100mm x…
Aglaia sapindina
(Boodyarra)Tags: cassowary-foodHeight: Tree to 15M, may be buttressed Leaves & Flowers: Green, white, cream or yellow…
Aleurites moluccana
(Candle Nut, Indian Walnut)Tags: arboretumHeight: Tree to 35M, may be buttressed Leaves & Flowers: Fragrant cream or white flowers…
Alphitonia excelsa
(Sarsparilla Tree, Red Ash)Height: Tree to 20M, may be buttressed Leaves & Flowers: Greenish-white flower, unpleasantly scented Fruit:…
Alphitonia petriei
(Sarsparilla Tree, Pink Ash)Height: Tree to 40M, may be buttressed Leaves & Flowers: Fragrant green, white or cream…
Alpinia caerulea
(Native Ginger)Height: Shrubby plant 1-3M Leaves & Flowers: White, cream or pink flowers on a stalk…
Alstonia muelleriana
(Hard Milkwood)Height: Tree to 25M, pioneer species in disturbed rainforest Leaves & Flowers: Masses of white…
Alstonia scholaris
(Milky Pine)Tags: arboretumHeight: Tree to 25M, pioneer species, may be buttressed Leaves & Flowers: Strongly perfumed white…
Antirhea tenuiflora
(Crimson Berry)Tags: cassowary-foodHeight: Shrub or tree to 20M, may be buttressed. Male and female plants Leaves &…
Apodytes brachystylis
(Buff Alder)Height: Tree to 20M, may be buttressed. Male and female plants Leaves & Flowers: Green,…